Friday, December 19, 2008

Lexi is 1

Lexi's first birthday was this week. I can't believe she is one. We had family come over and have cake and ice cream. Lexi was not all that into the whole thing.
She hadn't really napped good all day so she was in a bit of a bad mood.
We opened presents, she just kinda watched me she didn't want to have anything to do with it.
She got a bunch of really cute things.

After presents she got to eat her very own cake.......

and again she didn't really care. I thought for sure that she would dig into it.
Nope, at first she wouldn't even touch it with her hands. She would just bend over and stick her tongue on it. She finally got her hands in it a little. Then I decided to give her a cupcake with messy green icing so she would at least get a little bit messy.
We still had a blast. She loves all her toys. And thank you to all of you who came. I know this is a busy time of year. Love you guys.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Man its been a while, sorry

Sorry its been a while. We had a really good thanksgiving. Greg and Janice came out. It was so nice to see them. They stayed at our house while they were here Andru loved it she was really sad when they had to go home. While they were out we all went to dinner.
I looked at Andru and this is what I saw.
Yep that is butter. Yum huh. She just decided that she wanted to eat some butter and of course I had to let her so I could get a picture.
Lexi is such a dork she is so flipping cute. I hate when babies get teeth it is just sad it just reminds me that they are not babies anymore. So I was sad when Lexi started to get her teeth, then they came in like this and I love it she look so stinking cute.

She is my little Vampire. She has her two bottom middle teeth too so she looks so cute.

And Lexi finally started to stand up on her own. She isn't walking yet but I think she will be really soon.
(I know my floor is a mess)

So that is all we have been up to. Lexi will be 1 in a week and a half. Sad, I can't believe it has been a year.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had a great Halloween. Lexi was the cutest little pumpkin. She was actually really good too. She never got mad about being dressed up she never even tried to pull off her head band.
We got ready at like 3:30 and she didn't get out of her costume until probably 9:30 so I think she did awesome.
Andru was our beautiful little fairy. This was the first year she really got excited. She loved it and now she won't take off her wings. It was hard to get a very good picture of her she was being all crazy and wouldn't hold still for very long.
I think they turned out so cute We went to the mayors walk there were a ton of people there. It was fun they had some fun games for the kids.

Then we just went to all the grandparents houses. They were both so good and had a lot of fun.
Now I just need to do something about all of the candy.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our fun little trip

We flew out to Kentucky on Thursday I was really worried about Lex on the plane. She did really well. She didn't cry once.
Greg, Janice and the girls met us at the airport. We went to dinner and drove around a bit, it is so pretty with all the horse farms everywhere.

One night we got a babysitter and Greg and Janice took us to the best restaurant.
It was so good.
Lexi has a favorite blanket, it is so cute she will just nuzzle up to it and fall asleep. When we got home from dinner this is how we found her. Just sleeping on the floor with her blanket.
We also went to the horse races, it was so fun to go and experience. We were right next to the winners circle. It was so awesome to get to see the horses up close they are so gorgeous

We also went to the WoodFord Bourbon distillery.
It was really fun to see how they make the bourbon. At the end of the tour they will give you a free sample in a little shot glass you can keep. We wanted the glass just not the sample so we asked if we could just get the glass, I think they thought we were crazy. We go to a bourbon distillery and then we don't take the sample. It was really interesting though just to see how things are done

We had a blast. We went to church with them and we also went to a movie with Janice while Greg watched all the kids. Poor guy Lexi screamed a lot. I loved it, it was just really fun to go and see them we have missed having them around.
It was fun to experience new things. Thank you guys so much it was awesome.
We love you and we miss you.

Monday, October 13, 2008

One cute baby, pumpkins and off to Kentucky

Our awesome neighbors Lisa and Anthony have the cutest little boy!!!! Lawrence he is so stinkin cute a few days ago we got to watch him for a couple hours. Thanks Lisa. Lexi really likes him she kinda wants to eat him. But I took a cute picture of him while he was sleeping and thought I would share it with all of you..... don't you just want to cuddle and kiss him?
We also went and got pumpkins the other day Andru thought that was pretty cool.
And on Thursday Kristi and I are off to Kentucky!! I am so excited we are going to take the babies with us. This is my very first plane ride. I am so excited. The farthest east Kristi or I have ever been is Denver so that is also really exciting.. But the best part is we get to go hang out with Janice, Greg, Taylor and Morgan. I can't wait we have missed them a lot. Did I mention how excited I am? Sorry I know but really I can't wait. See you guys in a few days!

Friday, October 3, 2008

So not to much has been going on at our house. Crazy Lexi started pulling herself up to things like a couple days after she started crawling, and lately she has started trying to let go she can stand for a few seconds then falls.

Andru is loving preschool. She has grown up so much lately. She is such a good big sister. She will get treats for Lexi and then she will lay then out on the floor in a trail to get Lex to go where she wants her to. Kinda like E.T.

Lexi had her very first sucker.

She loved it.

It is so hard to get lex and Andru in a picture together and have them both smile or look at the camera. This is the best one I have been able to get.

Sorry I know my life is not to exciting to read about but I love it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today Andru had her preschool open house. I wasn't sure I wanted to put her in preschool. I am glad I did she was so excited about the open house. Then after all she could talk about was what she is going to do in preschool. They made cute little crowns today. It will be kind of nice to be able to run errands while she is in school. I can't wait to be able to go grocery shopping with only Lexi.
I order the cutest pajamas for Lexi and Andru they look so cute. I also got Andru and Lexi's Halloween costumes. Now I just have to wait 2 months for them to be able to wear them.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Wow it has been quite a while, sorry. We haven't had to much going. We went to a family reunion
Dave's moms side of the family. It was nice to get out of town for a few days. Dave and I hadn't went out of town together for almost a year.
We finally went to the rec center Andru had a blast.
Lexi however was not thrilled about it.... She was mostly mad about having to take a shower before swimming. After a while she got used to it but any splash would make her mad all over again.

We went to the fair. Andru and Easton loved the rides.
And Lexi started crawling..... Okay so kinda scooting around. She will get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth, then she will flop down on her tummy and push and pull herself all over. I am really hoping that she will start to really crawl soon.
She also got her first tooth yesterday. Andru is starting to play better with her. Andru has never been bad with her she just wasn't really to interested in her but now she is always asking if Lexi can play with her. Well that is really all I can think of right now. Other than all of that not much has been going on. I will try to update more often I have meant to I just haven't gotten around to it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wow its been a while

So it has been a while. A lot has happened since I last blogged. It was Dave and my 5th anniversary. Lexi got her first hair cut. She had crazy wings on each side of her head. We got them chopped she looks so much better.

(this is Lexi before her hair cut)

We also got Andru's hair cut. It was pretty hard to get it chopped off but I am so glad we did I love it. And it is so much easier to comb and do. She looks so cute.

(This is Andru at her cousin Chloe's birthday party, before her hair was cut. I couldn't find a better picture of her hair.)

We also went up Dryfork with my grandpa a few weeks ago. Andru loved it. He showed us some neat stuff. It was so nice to get out of the house and just go up the mountain and spend some time with my grandpa. I got some really good pictures of my grandpa with Andru and Lexi.

On the 4th we went to the parade. Then we went to Dave's parents house for dinner. Then we went to the fireworks. Lexi loved them she got so excited. Andru just ran around like a crazy person and got mad when they were over. We didn't do much but it was fun.

Andru and Easton at the parade

Our little family at Dave's parents house

Andru and Lexi watching fireworks

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our House Is Finally Fixed!!!!!

So this winter when it snowed so much I asked someone, "Why do people get the snow off of their roofs?" I know probably a stupid question but I really didn't know and the person I asked also didn't know. Well we found out. I guess you can get what is called a ice dam. So one day in February I was sitting on the couch and I heard a rush of water. I was really confused and I looked over at the sliding glass door and water was running down it. At first I thought it was on the outside, nope it was on the inside. This also happened in our bedroom. Actually it was way worse in our room. But the contractors were nice enough to fix it for us. Turns out our roof was done wrong so it was probably half that and half us not knowing that you should probably scrape the snow off your roof. They re roofed our house and then they fixed the dry wall and as of like 20 min ago the painters left!!!!!! K I am really excited because I have been staring at my ugly wall for a while now and it is just so nice to have it fixed. Now we just need to get heat tape up. We learned our lesson.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rolling Over and Andrus Dance pictures

I am finally posting the pictures of Andru in her cute little dance costume. She was so funny we asked her to do a dance pose and this is what she did she is so cute. They danced to "Grand Old Flag" it was so cute.

Lexi also rolled over for the first time on the 15. She is such a cute little girl. I don't know how we got such cute little girls out of Dave and me. I guess what they say is true. Ugly people do make cute babies. J/k :) But really they are so cute they also have such beautiful eyes Andru has pretty blue green eyes and Lexi has blue. Dave has brown/green and I have boring brown eyes. So I really thought that I would have kids with brown eyes I got lucky. Not that brown can't be pretty. I guess I just never really liked my eyes so I always wanted my kids to have a different color of eyes. K I know I just totally rambled on about that. Sorry.