So not to much has been going on at our house. Crazy Lexi started pulling herself up to things like a couple days after she started crawling, and lately she has started trying to let go she can stand for a few seconds then falls.
Andru is loving preschool. She has grown up so much lately. She is such a good big sister. She will get treats for Lexi and then she will lay then out on the floor in a trail to get Lex to go where she wants her to. Kinda like E.T.
Lexi had her very first sucker.
She loved it.
It is so hard to get lex and Andru in a picture together and have them both smile or look at the camera. This is the best one I have been able to get.
Sorry I know my life is not to exciting to read about but I love it.
Those pictures are so adorable! I love the ones of Lexi with the sucker. And super cute new banner!!
Those pictures of Lexi are so cute!! It almost makes her hair look auburn... Stinking cuties.
How very precious!!!!! Love, Grandma and Grandpa M
Cute pix's of your girls! I love it!!!
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