I can't believe that my sweet little Lexi is two!! She is such a nut. I love her to death. She is so sweet . She loves to help me clean (she is a little ocd). She also LOVES shoes. I am so lucky I got the best little girls. We had a little family party for her. She wasn't all that in to her presents. Which is actually a relief I was worried that I would have a hard time keeping her out of the presents under the tree after she realized you can open them.
Happy birthday baby girl!
Kristi also took some family pictures for us here are a couple. She does such a good job.

Happy Birthday little Lexi!! Can't believe you are two already!
Love you,
Aunt Kristi
OMG! She is such a doll. It's funny that she has such a love for shoes at such a young age. It's cute to see what kinds of things they like. Cute family pictures, too!
Cute blog!!! Thanks for in the invite to Lexi's birthday.....
I was going to get her a black baby boy dolly but Anthony was like, um why are you doing that? I was like because so she will have a reminder of Lawrence....LOL!!! I wish I would of known she liked Elmo....leave it to the grandma's they get the best presents ever:)
She is so cute! I wish Irie had that much hair. Glad to see that you posted again! Have a Merry CHRISTmas! I think of you all the time! Love ya.
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Your Daughter?? so cute
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