Sweet little Lexi. She is crazy. I was so shocked when she had a head full of hair, Andru was completely bald. Kristi had teased me when I was pregnant that she was going to have a ton. But we really never thought that she actually would.She is so cute she always has to have something in her mouth. She will shove her whole fist in her mouth. She loves her Binky it is funny because she more chews on her Binky than actually sucks on it. She is also a mommies girl big time. She is a sassy little girl. I love it she will chew you out it is so cute. I can't wait for her to start to talk. I think she will have a lot to say. She had her very first can of baby food the other day. Sweet potatoes. I don't know what she thought she would smile then she would scrunch up her little face in disgust. I love Lexi she is so fun. I am so glad that we had another girl so Andru could have a sister. They love each other so much. Andru loves to hold Lexi and help me with her, and Lexi loves to sit and watch Andru play . I can't wait for her to get older so they can really play.
These are some pictures that Kristi took she does such a good job.
Those pictures are soooo precious! She has so much personality already! It will be such fun to watch her as she gets older! Love you all so much! Grandma and Grandpa M
Oh my heck I want to come over and just eat her up, she is so dang cute... We really need to plan a night for us sister's to go out.. What do you think?
How adorable! Lovin the pictures, the one especially with u & her & her eating baby food, she is a doll we love to hold her and give her kisses on her chubby cheeks:)
Lexi lou, you are such a cute little girl! I want to kiss your little "puffy cheeks" Ian told me to tell you he wants to steal your binky.. :) Love you, Aunt Kristi
I am a stay at home mom of 3 beautiful girls Andru 7, Lexi 3, and Abbie 1. I have been married to my awesome husband Dave for 8 years. I wouldn't change a thing!
Those pictures are soooo precious! She has so much personality already! It will be such fun to watch her as she gets older! Love you all so much! Grandma and Grandpa M
Your little girls are so adorable! I can't wait to come out again so I can see them.
Oh my heck I want to come over and just eat her up, she is so dang cute... We really need to plan a night for us sister's to go out.. What do you think?
How adorable! Lovin the pictures, the one especially with u & her & her eating baby food, she is a doll we love to hold her and give her kisses on her chubby cheeks:)
She is so cute and sweet, she reminds me of one of my children. If she is she is going to be compassionate. Love MOM
Lexi lou, you are such a cute little girl! I want to kiss your little "puffy cheeks" Ian told me to tell you he wants to steal your binky.. :)
Love you,
Aunt Kristi
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