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My new toy.
I am so excited for my birthday I got an elliptical machine. I have been trying to get back in shape and used to go to curves but it is really hard to go. I always have to go after Dave gets home from work and then it is hard because I am trying to get dinner ready and stuff. So I decided that I would just get something to do at home. It should be here sometime this week I think, I hope. Hopefully it will work well for me so I can get skinny again. Thank you Dave you are awesome.
WHY? U look dang good for having 2 kids.....ur one of the many lucky people in the world that pop out babies & look amazing after....I'm happy for's about time Dave get's u something u want..LOL...totally play'n...he's a great guy & ur great neighbors...ttyl
Lucky! I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday! I am so excited for everyone to come out this weekend - I can't even tell you! You, Kristi, and Greg and Janice are all going to be here! We're going to have a house full! Yay! You guys can come and hang out early if you want, too. We're going to go cheer on Janice at the Ogden half marathon, but we'll be home for the rest of the day.
oh I love doing the elliptical it is so hard, it kicks my butt.
P.S- Steph... It is not a half it is a full marathon 26.2 baby...
Wow i feel like idiot, i called mom on sunday and everything just completly forgot your birthday. sorry this is late and that im a terible brother, but happy birthday i hope you like the eliptical. luv ya tons.
How are you doing? Hope you don't mind me snopping on your blog, your girls are beautiful. And I have never known you not to be skinny, I have a hard time beliving that your not. Good luck, and take care!
Oh had to comment....Dave is so freak'n funny, I'll always have tha memory in my mind of him, feeling the burn on the elliptic machine...good times..good times...he keeps us laughing all the time...your crazy white husbund:) LOL
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