Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Poor little Lexi when fuzzy needs a "bath" she gets really upset. Today I gave fuzzy a "bath" she was okay for a little bit. She just kept crying and saying my kankie my fuzzy. But when I put fuzzy in the dryer she got really upset.
Poor little girl stood by the dryer screaming forever.

The best part is when fuzzy is all clean and Lexi gets SOOOOO excited.

She LOVES her fuzzy.

The sad thing is fuzzy will need a "bath" again soon.


Kristi said...

Way cute!! I remember those days of having to sneak "kanky" into the washer... lol

Janice {Run Far} said...

oh my heck.... that is the cutest little post ever. I love that little stinker. It's so funny how attached they get to their fav blanket.

Georgene said...

Oh that poor little girl, she needs two fuzzy's maybe grandma will share her new fuzzy.

Gabaldon said...

she is so funny! cute pix's of her melt down by the washing machine...LOL!!! Gotta love those adorable moments:)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Those are the cutest pictures in the whole world! You'll have to keep her "kanky" forever and give it to her when she's older, along with these pictures.

Do you remember Matthew's sheep? That thing was awful! I think it was green or something, wasn't it? I wonder if mom kept that and gave it to him.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and you really should come out here and go thrift store shopping with me! I'm serious!

Unknown said...

We have that VERY same problem when Puppy gets a "bath". Poor little girl!!!