Monday, January 26, 2009

Christmas, New Years and Jazz

Man it has been a while ..... again.
We had a awesome Christmas our kids were spoiled like crazy. Then we spent new years eve with some of our good friends it was really fun. Then Dave had to go to Oklahoma for work. He got spoiled they went to the Thunder game and they were playing the Jazz. The Owner of the company has a box and awesome seats. They were on the 3rd row. Dave was so excited he had a blast. And I was mean and didn't think he would need the camera (I didn't know he was going to be so close) so he didn't have it. Now I feel really bad, but at the time I was just thinking about how Dave tends to loose stuff. So sorry no fun pictures, I was also bad and forgot to take pictures on Christmas.


Janice {Run Far} said...

It's about time.... JK
Glad you are all doing good.

Anonymous said...

I was starting to worry... you need to update this thing more regularly!

Unknown said...

Your girls sure are cute!

Kristi said...

Lucky lucky!! One of these days I will get to go to a Jazz game... lol

Diane said...

Lucky Dave! He deserves that! We were so glad to see your update! You'll have to take some more pictures. You do really good at it! Your girls are so cute! We love you all, G Grandma Mdiste